Olympic Torch Protests.

Today, in London, the Olympic torch was to be taken around the city in procession of the Chinese Olympics this coming summer. Protesters made it much more fun, by protesting their displeasure about Tibetan occupation by China.
I don’t condone China for it’s "One China" ambitions, It’s the same as America & WWII Germany in every sense of Global political ambitions. But, I do prefer China, politically over America, at the moment. American policy over the past 50 years has left a bitter taste in my mouth, and it’s going to take me a lot longer to forgive than you think. So, if I have to choose between American export, and Chinese export, then I choose the latter. You’re both murdering totalitarian despots, but i’ll settle for cheap goods from China.
I actually started almost crying, when I watched the media coverage. It’s not just because it’s bad seeing police totalitarianism against protesters, and the other way around, but also the way the media presented information. It is a huge footing for presenting your views. It’s called political propaganda, and there is so much politics being fought over in an instant, that it overwhelms me. The direction becomes convolouted and the outcome ends differently than the beginning.
But, still, as it once said on the Good Ship EdgeHill cider raft: ’FREE TIBET!’
And, another point i’d like to make is that when you listen to or watch the footage, and hear the comments of pro-China spectators, it is exactly the same cynical absurdist "Yes were evil, but what you going to do about it?" stance that millions of dumb Americans take towards their government’s own actions on war. Swings & roundabouts...Swings & roundabouts. I say, let’s put America & China on the moon so they can slug it out. It can be like Beyond Thunderdome - ’Two men enter! One man leaves!’ That’s all fair and well saying that, but I also sense that without America, China wouldn’t be so ’evil’. China is Tango, America is Cash. They work together in some strange Clownfish - Anenome - Lovebird symbiotic relationship. Without one the other cannot survive, and all you have is a dead parrott! A snuffed Polly! A non-Norweigian Blue!


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