
Nothing is bothering me much lately. Which is why I haven't been writing often. I write mostly for personal reasons as you might guess. However, there is something which I fell asleep on last night, dreamt about, thought about it all day, then, discussed it with an ounce of thoughtfulness.
The first thing that bothered me was this whole Mugabe Zimbabwe election rigging news coverage. I couldn't figure it out. Why does Britain want to put it's fingers in the political pie so much? What is wrong with a guy (Mugabe) who sent all the wealthy white Zimbabwean land owners back to their original land? What is wrong with reclaiming your homeland for your people? What is wrong with wanting independence from 'democracy'? Americans???
I can't help but feel a sense of hypocrisy in the whole British media's argument, that 'Mugabe is a dictating tyrant, and should be removed from power'. Is it not our own western tyrant dictators who are far more in need of removing? Why can't we just leave the poor Africans alone?
Yes, the conservative imperialist expatriates who colonised Zimbabwe, and made a farming industry may have the right to feel upset and hard done by when they are sent away. But that is the process of revolution. There is no equality in the process of taking power.
I can't help but feel, like every other bored citizen, a sense of confusion to this whole British media debacle. It's so confusing, that it is hard to judge what is actually going on, and we just begin to accept the fed media story, and end up supporting the right-wing Conservatives with our two minutes hate.
I can't help but feel a sense that the opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai is just a British puppet. Puppets do exist you know? It's not just conspiracy theory. For example, read here for a recent understanding about the puppet Severo Moto - the so called 'opposition leader' for the botched Equatorial Guinea coup d'état attempt. It's all fucked up. And it all feels related somehow.
The mercenaries for the Guinea coup were captured on their plane upon landing in Zimbabwe by Mugabe's soldiers, after receiving a tip off. That alone, is enough to warrant Oligarchical British anger.
Sir Mark Thatcher, who is the son of our famous female ex-Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, was on board the plane. He financed the weapons and transport for the coup. When in court, he claimed, on the bible, that he was financing an 'air ambulance' service, then he changed his plea to straight-as guilty, and got let off with a million dollar fine, which, Mummies friends emptied the change from their pockets for.
What does this suggest about fairness, democracy and the intentions of the Conservative Party? Sir Mark Thatcher paid a lot of money to have soldiers kill people, to capture a tiny country which is worth an insane amount of oil money. And that is all. Nothing more than that. Morally, that is an incredibly evil thing to orchestrate.
Zimbabwe's President, Robert Mugabe was recently stripped of his Knighthood for being an evil doer - he is no longer 'Sir'.
Mark Thatcher still keeps his Knighthood.
The British media hunt Mugabe, Thatcher has not been heard of since the coup, and is sunning himself somewhere quiet, sandy and warm.
Tsvangirai quietly moans in hiding, Severo Moto is in fearful hiding, the coup soldiers are awaiting sentence. Zimbabwe is Mugabe's, Equatorial Guinea is secure. The outcome is kind, but the Imperialists will never rest.
You want a Knighthood? It does not matter about doing the morally right thing, It's all about national interests. It's very hypocritical, and it's a source of social stagnation. If you want your people to behave morally, you have to lead by example.
Now, there's a SI SITUATION if ever I read one! :)


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