
The collective impression we are fed, regarding wealth and the 'good life' can make many people angry. global inequality, starvation, famine, war. All these things are expleted by disgusted people. But I have realised that the 'dream' doesn't really exist. More often, a rich person can invest in a speedboat, but not live in a palace. For the  general wealthy person, life is a compromise between one luxury item or the other. They can't often afford the whole thing. That is reserved for...Well..
So, in Dubai & Beverley Hills. or certain areas of Long Island at least, you'll see what happens when you give idiots a whole bunch of money. Kids with attitude in their Porsche's yet unable to write a letter. You can see it if you pay attention to the finer details.
In the most simple explanation I can give, it is like giving a billion dollars to a pikey family. They will do exactly what you can imagine with money - Live lavishly & grossly materialistically, yet wear slippers and a tracksuit, and eat fraybentos pies. The funny thing is, good taste, cannot be bought. You'll see one rich person stuffing their faces at the MacD's drive through in their Ferrari, wearing a dodgy jumpsuit. I learned this back in the nightclub days. The owner was a dumb, sheepskin coat wearing, coke addled, Lamborghini obsessed, roman lifestyle centred tool - yet, living in a hotchpotch home build, work in progress house on the outskirts of working class Burnley. He knew that I knew this, and in his own way he was afraid of that. Eccentric wealth? I wouldn't be so generous with the use of eccentric.
So, people, when the world is getting you down, and life seems unfair. Don't despair. If you are smart enough to discern between financial equality in the first instance, then you are already wealthier than they. Does this make any sense?
You might shout - "Well, they have a million, they're smarter than you!!! ROFL!!!!" But, I feel that my wealth, isn't worth a dime.


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