It’s a God damn arse face.

So, I make a snap decision as i'm buying food from Lidl. The impulsive purchase is an £8 fan heater for my room, well, it's not really impulsive if your fucking numb cold all day & all night. Something, snaps and says "Enough". But, as always i'm followed by my spectre. I place the heater on the stairs as I try to offload my goods. But, it's already too late. I glance up, and the shrill light from the Ghost is smothering and consuming my guilty purchase. You can see the light growing and it's body expanding as the rage and confusion swells. And then it howls...
"You have bought a fan heater...?"
I kneel and cower under the vocal hairdryer that emmits from the Spectre. "Yes, my master" I speak, and bow my head avoiding eye contact. Because, we all know that's what we do with royalty, commanders, and ghouls.
"You know that the electric heater will use more electricity than the heating. You might as well put the full heating on in the house." - clearly, It's an environmental Ghoul.
In my head I think, well spectre, why don't you have the heating on day, or night? I want to say "It's a short term solution, to a long term problem." I've taken action. But, I know what the philosophy is; it's the idea that you should put clothes on to keep warm as opposed to reaching for the electricity. But, when the Spectre rages sonic nightmares into your soul, when you do reach for the power, you have to take other forms of action. It's a conflict. We're human, and we seek alternative means for survival when, we're suppressed by stupidity. Nothing but death, can prevent human will from seeking it's basic needs. And, Ghoulish imposer of doom, you're shit out of luck on this Philosophy.
So, I just break down and cry, and explain that it's been a very tough week, and i'm struggling. I say that it was either the heater, or an electric blanket, that it's not going to be on all day, and i'm hurt that you think I am so irresponsible to be that way. I don't tell the Spectre that it has taken things* too far. Or, that it is genuinely colder in my room, than it ever was during torrential flooding & wind up in the mountains for 6 days. That notion would hurt too much.
*the idea that can only come from a far left, art teacher, communist green. Who still wants to play dictator and feels sad when confronted by free will.


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