The Wrestler

Am I meant to enjoy this movie? Is it just a little bit of heart felt nostalgia that men are prone to feel? The ageing underdog, we've seen it before, but it made me feel good. Like 'Burn After Reading' is sure to make you feel. It is appropriate. Even The Boss, Bruce Springsteen was appropriate, because we all know that if Bruce is around, hard times get a whole lot easier. I sincerely felt happy to see Asbury Park and the old ruined casino being used as a metaphor in such a way. Because, it is precisely what runs through everyone's' half-intelligent mind when visiting such a beautiful, sad and tokenistic shrine to America. I love the place, I remember it clearly and purely. The green oxidised copper motifs of Neptune, an fuckin' A, an his pals, and pee smelling corners. I feel wonder in dilapidation & ruin. People don't really pay enough attention to it, as I believe they should. But, who cares anyhow? Bruce is gonna save the day. Cuz he's The Boss. Friggin' fuckin' cocksuckin A'.


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