Free Sex and other assorted love songs.

Free sex. Who would be crazy enough to turn it down? There have been times when I was just a spotty teenager, that I hoped and prayed for free sex to present itself. There have been times, when free sex has been propositioned and accepted gratefully. There are times, where I have thoughtfully chosen to turn it down. The turning down part is thought provoking for me. "Am I right to do this?", emotional mind games, beauty to bitchiness, "will I ever get laid again?", "Am I a bad person?" , "Am I a good person?", am I moral, immoral, a control freak, self disciplined, arrogant, wise, considerate, inconsiderate, thoughtless? Free Sex. Me, me, me. When I get older, losing my hair. Free Sex: what will it mean? Prostitution. Supposedly, that's not free sex, is it? It's sex for money. Love & marriage: Is that free sex? I don't know, I've never tried, so I can't imagine or conceive it. Some other people can and they suggest that it's a compromise, a trade-off, a sale or trade between decisions, financially better lives, children, and a new big screen TV. Drunk one night stands, now that is what I am good at refusing these past few years, and am I wrong to refuse. Occasionally, I feel I am. I choose not to take part in the bar ritual for almost ten years now. Not to say, sober one night stands have not happened. One night stands to me, now, are either sober decisions, or angry existential acts, submitting to the pointless futility of life. The why not, why shouldn't I, just bite the apple, spend your lunch money on champagne decisions. Are one night stands free sex? Is there such a thing as free sex? Sex is either always free, or never free. Maybe I shouldn't try to look at the rrp, or the long term financial forecast at all. But, I choose not to be a dildo for a woman. Nor do I think I have a price. Not even if Robert Redford offered me $1 million to fly away in a helicopter for one night of ginger-pubed camera funk, would I attempt to allow myself to be such a person. Don't have a price, don't be a dildo, and take her comments on the chin. And, just keep walking. Preserve your own mind and consciousness. Change your phone number. Apply for an injunction. Ignore. Because, they're likely to be no more right than you are wrong, but it won't prevent them from suggesting so. There are few things more sulky than a girl whose shop doesn't have the shoes in the right size. Kill my rabbit, wear my shoes, put a cup in my sack of grain. From this moment now, act how you are going to. Press stop and eject. Only, we don't have to press eject anymore. It's just stop.


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