Ball & Chain.

Smashing rocks. That's what I've done today. Bricks more specifically. I have that angry huff feeling going on now though, because I find breaking rocks ridiculous, pointless even. It's a dog's job. Bricks are to be broken into dust, then spread out to make a pathway. Only these bricks are not normal bricks, they contain iron, and are known as the worlds toughest brick, made by idiots who couldn't even spell iron the right way around during the mould process. Idiot work for idiot people for idiot rock breaking. "Recycling". "What? What you mean?" "We're trying to recycle what we find, to make a use out of it." "Smashing them and making path chippings by hand is not fucking making a use out of rocks, it it called making an example out of someone. Hey! You fancy giving me a hand?" "Oh no, too busy." "Then fuck off and fuck you, because I'm throwing these bricks over the side. I have a good idea! Why not recycle bricks by making a house? Hey, have you got a ball & chain? I know some good negro rock breaking songs." And, so the breaking of rocks to recycle becomes a fatherly example, to make out f his Son. I will oblige to help...But, they could simply raise the question, when does recycling go too far. I think it's all about product and efficiency. Now, I'm just going to go to the pub, get drunk and punch someone. And, blame it all on causality "your dumb idea made me hit this man! Shame on you!" Smashing bricks.


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