
Truth, could be: making assumptions based upon senses or perceptions. Most of the time you're right, and just don't know it, are too distorted by your tinted glass to see it, or are trying to make the world a better place, when you're actually not. Me, I think everything has gone exactly to plan, everything has been predictable, and through playing my own bad guy role, I've enabled others to be happy. If you can't change your role; mostly people will see you as you are for the rest of your life, new or old introductions, then you have to play with what you have got to make a change for the better. And, I feel that I've done that. I may have just excelled myself this time, and I think my skills are getting better with time. I might have to give up the Sam Beckett role for a while though. I kinda need a break.
I'm starting to plan for this years omm today. Checking my tent, bag, mats, stoves, waterproofing everything...twice. Enough food, enough enough enough. It's an exercise in survival. It should be cold and wet. But perhaps, last years epic has scarred all of us into believing that God and his genesis finger is mocking us, pointing, releasing floods and plagues, and laughing at us. In all probability, it's going to be fun, it will be tiring, and it will involve less alcohol this year. Bod died, so he won't be driving this year. I've been given the drivers seat. I hope I don't steer into any flood waters and destroy the truck. Maybe i should hope that there will just not be any flood waters this year? Or television news crews, helicopters, police, raf rescue, army, etc. etc... Mind you, they're probably competing. We shall see. I'm sure there will be some BBC there profiling the event after the last year. And no, 2500 people did not die on a hillside.
Looking forward to one thing though....Hopefully *crosses fingers & toes & scrunches eyes* Please, motor vehicle, stay operational for just a while longer, please?


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